People thought that social media was bad for their careers for a long time. Parents would often tell their kids that what they post online now could keep them from getting a job in the future. Usually, this advice is given to discourage people from using social media, but is there another way to look at it?

It is true that recruiters and employers will look at a candidate’s social media pages before hiring or promoting them. But that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing. This article looks at all the ways a job seeker can use social media to their work advantage.

Pro: Can Help You with Personal Branding

As companies keep working to brand themselves culturally by emphasizing their values, they naturally look to hire people who fit with the picture they’re trying to make. If you can create an online persona that fits what employers want, it may go a long way toward helping you get the job.

Do keep in mind that it is always best to create a persona that is true to who you are. If later on you find inconsistencies, you could be in a lot of trouble.

Social Media

Con: There is No Gatekeeper

One of the best and worst things about social media is that there is no one there to say, “Hey, do you really think it’s a good idea to use the f-word so many times in one sentence that will be sent to everyone you’ve ever met?”

Of course, from a social point of view, it’s nice to have a place where you can share your thoughts without having them changed. But because there aren’t many limits on most social media sites, it’s too easy to post things you’ll later regret.

Pro: It’s Free Marketing

Social media is the fastest and cheapest way to boost your profile in the public eye. You can get an account for the price of an email address, which is free, and start putting your good name out there.

On social media sites, there are ways to spend money. Paid posts, analytic tools, and so on. The “out of the box” account type is generally good enough unless you want to become an influencer.

Con: It’s Not as Easy as You Might Assume

You can post on social media in a few seconds, no problem. But if you aren’t ready to put in some work, your content will probably be ignored.

Keep in mind that social media is used by billions of people. Using a “B”. They are all trying to get the same amount of attention, and social media systems tend to favor only certain kinds of posts.

In other words, even if your posts are professional, you probably won’t get anywhere if you just post whatever comes to mind. To be successful, you will need to do market and keyword study and time your posts to find the right audience at the most important times.

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Pros: The Ball is in Your Court

If there’s one good thing about all of this, it’s that you don’t have to have a big presence on social media. People have obviously been advancing their jobs without it for a long time. For most career development, everything that happens online is a choice.

This puts you in charge of everything. If you are ready to put in a lot of work and build a strong online presence, it will help you stand out among your coworkers and/or other job applicants. But it’s fine if you’re not the social media type. Follow the online presence that makes you feel most at ease, and do it with the faith that good work will finally pay off.

Con: There are Limits to How Far This Will Take You

If you’re reading this article while sitting in your cubicle and occasionally looking up at your boss, who, despite our promises that social media can “boost your career,” is still a middle-aged man who doesn’t know the difference between Twitter and Instagram, we feel your pain.

The old guard hasn’t been as quick to use social media to find new employees and move up in their careers. This can be hard for workers who want to use their online accounts as a way to advance their careers.

Try not to rush things. Even though some places are moving faster than others, the social media change is still going on.

Social Media in Certain Professions

It’s also important to note that some jobs may require you to have a strong social media presence. If you want to work in the media, like journalism or sports reporting, having a lot of fans can help you get jobs.

It can be helpful even in jobs where “followers” don’t come up very often. For example, if you are a nurse who wants to start a podcast, it will help a lot if you already have a strong following.

And if your field depends a lot on social media, like marketing, being able to show that you can do things on your own will be a big plus.

Consistency is King

Keep in mind that none of this advice will help you if it is surrounded by unprofessional content. If you want to use social media to move up in your career, you should treat your page almost like an extension of your resume.

Do it right. Keep the content as simple as possible and make sure it all fits with the persona you are trying to sell. Anything more or less can come back to bite you in the butt.