
Writing Effectively: Features That You’ll Be Able To Use In Word Count Tool

Writing can be very hard if you’re still trying to start, but with the help of proper writing tools, you’ll be able to improve your skills faster. Word Count Tool offers unique features that will definitely help you. With that, here are some key elements that you need to know from Word Count Tool.

Word Counter Tool

Word Counter is an essential tool for people who do writing most of their time. If you’re trying to find a perfect tool that will assist you for your writing needs, then the Word Count Tool should be the one that you’ll be using.

Just to explain a little background about Word Count Tool, it is actually a website that offers helpful features such as Word count, character counter with spaces, Character counter without space, Sentence counter, and also Paragraph counter. This all means that the Word Count Tool is essential that you can use for your essay writing.

Word Counter Tool’s Key Features

Here are the features it has, first is Word Count; as the word says, it counts words of any essay or article that you write in it. It’s actually effortless to use; you can just directly go to Word Count Tool’s website and go to Word Counter. You’ll be given a place where you can write or paste your sentences or paragraphs. The number of words will just appear in the upper area of the page.

The second feature that you can benefit from using Word Counter is the Character Counter with space. With a Character counter with space, you will know how many characters, including its spaces, have a particular sentence or paragraph. The third feature that you will get from Word Counter is still Character Counter, but this time it doesn’t include spaces.

The fourth is the Sentence count; this time, Word Counter will not be counting words and characters, but it will provide you the number of your sentences. This feature is beneficial, especially if you need to limit your sentences in every paragraph. The last feature is the Paragraph counter, which provides you the exact numbers of paragraphs you have on your essay.

Besides those key features, you can also customize or change your font style, increase or decrease font size, make it all upper cases or lower cases, and clear everything with just a single click. You can also even change your spacing into single, 1.5, and double.

Character Counter Tool

Character counter helps you to maintain a proper character count, especially in your social media posts. This will help you take full advantage of your posts and clearly express your thoughts to your readers. You’ll also have other excellent features that you will get when using the Character counter tool, which will be explained below.

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Character Counter Tool’s Key Features

Like the Word Count Tool, you can also count your characters, including spaces and spaces. But the primary use of the Character Counter Tool is not about counting characters, but actually, it’s all about having the right character count in your social media posts.

An average person who will post something on Facebook will not care about how long their posts are, as long as they can express themselves and share all of their thoughts with their friends. Here comes the problem of having long posts, it makes the reader bored, some may not read it at all, or others may have a hard time understanding.

Using Character Counter, you’ll be given a character limit on every social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. In this way, you’ll have a more precise post, and at the same time, all your posts will be straight to the point. The benefits of having short, accurate, and straightforward posts are letting your readers understand and appreciate your posts.

Scrabble Word Finder

If you’re aiming to be the best scrabble player, then the Scrabble Word Finder from Word Count Tool can help you with that. This perfect tool can provide new words from the original difficult words that you have.

Scrabble Word Finder is also very easy to use; just go to The Word Count Tool site, and select Scrabble Word Finder. Just enter any type of words to the space provided, and click search. The system will search for new words for you from its dictionary, although there would be some instances that the system will also provide words that are not recognized by the official scrabble dictionary, so better watch out for that.

Mind Map

Do you need to brainstorm, or do you have any future presentation, then Word Count Tools Mind Map will help you settle all your plans. Like making a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll be making some boxes, writing all the things you thought of, and arranging them accordingly.


Word Count Tool’s features provide excellent help, especially for those who are usually working with their essays and articles. You’ll be able to manage your word count, sentences, paragraphs, and character count. Word Count Tool will also help you streamline all your social media posts for better understanding and precision.

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