
How to Get New Chiropractic Patients

Being a chiropractor means you probably have an office and patients that come in. So, this means you have to keep the clients coming in, so you can keep the lights on. Customers are important not only for their purchases, but for their advertising and marketing. They also increase the relationships between you and the community.

There are lots of ideas you can do in order to increase the new chiropractic patients walking in your lobby.

      • This means improving your visibility to search engines, so you show up in a list of results. That way you have more people visiting your website and more people possibly becoming clients.
  • Improve the format of your website.
      • Almost everything is moving towards mobile. This means that your website has to be able to show up on laptops, desktops, cell phones, and tablets.
  • Pair with another business for an advertising event.
      • Meet with a dentist in the area to set up an event for advertising you both. It could be a raffle in the part, a marathon, charity event, and more.
  • Advertise and market.
      • Advertise to local radios and other businesses. If they are hosting events, ask to hand out coupons/brochures for the office.
      • Print and give t-shirts to new clients.
      • Participate with local school sports to buy ads at the fields or on the tickets
  • Stay in touch with old customers.
      • Send out emails with updates, weekly news articles, and information on the practice.
  • Use online reviews.
      • Ask your customer to rate your service and website online. This will increase visibility, credibility, and trust in your business.
  • Offer free exams.
      • Giving them an exam before a visit can increase their trust in you
      • It will also get them to your clinic and inside the doors
  • Network with other businesses and the community.
      • Attend lots of community events to increase your outreach
      • Meet with other groups/businesses in the area, such as small business networking events
  • Ask your patients for referrals.
      • Asking patients to rate you online and refer you to others can increase your word-of-mouth
      • Have a giveaway on social media so people will like, comment, and share your post increasing your reach and your online presence
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Search online for more tactics on how to increase your client base.

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